Sources of Sand:

Sources of Sand: Sand particles consist of small grains of silica (Si02). It is formed by the decomposition of sand stones due to various effects of weather. The following are the natural sources of sand.

a. Pit sand
b. River sand
c. Sea sand

a. Pit Sand: This sand is found as deposits in soil and it is obtained by forming pits to a depth of about 1m to 2m from ground level. Pit sand consists of sharp angular grains, which are free from salts for making mortar, clean pit sand free from organic and clay should only be used.

b. River Sand: This sand is obtained from beds of rivers. River sand consists of fine rounded grains. Colour of river sand is almost white. As the river sand is usually available in clean condition, it is widely used for all purposes.

c. Sea Sand: This sand is obtained from sea shores. Sea sand consists of rounded grains in light brown colour. Sea sand consists of salts which attract the moisture from the atmosphere and causes dampness, efflorescence and disintegration of work. Due to all such reasons, sea sand is not recommendable for engineering works. However be used as a local material after being thoroughly washed to remove the salts.

Sources of Sand: Sources of Sand: Reviewed by SANTHOSH KUMAR on July 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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