Preparation of cement mortar

Preparation of cement mortar

       For preparing mortar, water is added to intimate mixtures of binding material and sand. The water to be used for this purpose should be free from clay, earth and other impurities. Water which is fit for drinking should only be used for preparing mortar. Cement mortar may be prepared by manual mixing or by mechanical mixing. Mechanical mixing is preferred when mortar is required in large quantities to be used in continuous order.

a. Mixing in mechanical mixer: In this case, cement and sand in desired proportion are fed in the mixer and mixed dry. Water is then added gradually and the wet mixing a continued for at least one minute to obtain the mortar of desired consistency. It is necessary to ensure that only the quantity of mortar which can be used within half an hour of its mixing should be prepared at a time. This is essential as after 30 minutes the mortar begins to set.

b. Manual mixing: In this case, specified quantity of sand is spread and leveled on clean dry masonry platform. Required quantity of cement bags are emptied over the sand layer. The ingredients are then mixed thoroughly by turning them over the sand layer. The ingredients are then mixed thoroughly by turning them over and over. Backward and
forward several times with the help of spade. Dry mixing iscontinued till the mix have attains a uniform colour. A batch of dry mix is then put in the shallow masonry tank and just sufficient quantity of water is added to bring the mortar to the consistency of a paste. The quantity of dry mix taken in each batch should be such the mortar formed each time is consumed within half an hour.

Preparation of cement mortar Preparation of cement mortar Reviewed by SANTHOSH KUMAR on July 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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