Preparation of Brick Earth

It consists of the following operations.
Unsoiling: The soil used for making building bricks should be processed so as to be free of gravel, coarse sand (practical size more than 2 mm), lime and kankar particles, organic matter, etc. About 20 cm of the top layer of the earth, normally containing stones, pebbles, gravel, roots, etc., is removed after clearing the trees and vegetation.
Digging: After removing the top layer of the earth, proportions of additives such as fly ash, sandy loam, rice husk ash, stone dust, etc. should be spread over the plane ground surface on volume basis. The soil mass is then manually excavated, puddled, watered and left over for weathering and subsequent processing. The digging operation should be done before rains.
Weathering: Stones, gravels, pebbles, roots, etc. are removed from the dug earth and the soil is heaped on level ground in layers of 60–120 cm. The soil is left in heaps and exposed to weather for at least one month in cases where such weathering is considered necessary for the soil. This is done to develop homogeneity in the mass of soil, particularly if they are from different sources, and also to eliminate the impurities which get oxidized. Soluble salts in the clay would also be eroded by rain to some extent, which otherwise could have caused scumming at the time of burning of the bricks in the kiln. The soil should be turned over at least twice and it should be ensured that the entire soil is wet throughout the period of weathering. In order to keep it wet, water may be sprayed as often as necessary. The plasticity and strength of the clay are improved by exposing the clay to weather.
Blending: The earth is then mixed with sandy-earth and calcareous-earth in suitable proportions to modify the composition of soil. Moderate amount of water is mixed so as to obtain the right consistency for moulding. The mass is then mixed uniformly with spades. Addition of water to the soil at the dumps is necessary for the easy mixing and workability, but the addition of water should be controlled in such a way that it may not create a problem in moulding and drying. Excessive moisture content may effect the size and shape of the finished brick.

Tempering: Tempering consists of kneading the earth with feet so as to make the mass stiff and plastics (by plasticity, we mean the property which wet clay has of being permanently deformed without cracking). It should preferably be carried out by storing the soil in a cool place in layers of about 30 cm thickness for not less than 36 hours. This will ensure homogeneity in the mass of clay for subsequent processing. For manufacturing good brick, tempering is done in pug mills and the operation is called pugging.


It is a process of giving a required shape to the brick from the prepared brick earth. Moulding may be carried out by hand or by machines. The process of moulding of bricks may be the soft-mud (hand moulding), the stiff-mud (machine moulding) or the dry- press process (moulding using maximum 10 per cent water and forming bricks at higher pressures). Fire-brick is made by the soft mud process. Roofing, floor and wall tiles are made by dry-press method. However, the stiff-mud process is used for making all the structural clay products.


Green bricks contain about 7–30% moisture depending upon the method of manufacture. The object of drying is to remove the moistre to control the shrinkage and save fuel and time during burning. The drying shrinkage is dependent upon pore spaces within the clay and the mixing water. The addition of sand or ground burnt clay reduces shrinkage, increases porosity and facilities drying. The moisture content is brought down to about 3 per cent under exposed conditions within three to four days. Thus, the strength of the green bricks is increased and the bricks can be handled safely.
Clay products can be dried in open air driers or in artificial driers. The artificial driers are of two types, the hot floor drier and the tunnel drier. In the former, heat is applied by a furnance placed at one end of the drier or by exhaust steam from the engine used to furnish power and is used for fire bricks, clay pipes and terracotta. Tunnel driers are heated by fuels underneath, by steam pipes, or by hot air from cooling kilns. They are more economical than floor driers. In artificial driers, temperature rarely exceeds 120°C. The time varies from one to three days. In developing countries, bricks are normally dried in natural open air driers (Fig. 2.8). They are stacked on raised ground


Kiln Burning: The kiln used for burning bricks may be underground, e.g. Bull’s trench kiln or overground, e.g. Hoffman’s kiln. These may be rectangular, circular or oval in shape. When the process of burning bricks is continuous, the kiln is known as continuous kiln, e.g. Bull’s trench and Hoffman’s kilns. On the other hand if the process of burning bricks is discontinuous, the kiln is known as intermittent kiln.
Intermittent Kiln: The example of this type of an over ground,  After loading the kiln, it is fired, cooled and unloaded and then the next loading is done. Since the walls and sides get cooled during reloading and are to be heated again during next firing, there is wastage of fuel.

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